安徽色母粒**荧光颜料荧光粉***的选择, Classified by carrier: such as PE masterbatch, PP masterbatch, ABS masterbatch, PVC masterbatch, EVA masterbatch, etc.
Classified by use: such as injection color masterbatch, blown color masterbatch, spinning color masterbatch, etc. Each variety can be divided into different levels, such as:
1. Advanced injection masterbatch
Used in cosmetic packaging boxes, toys, electrical enclosures and other advanced products.
2. Ordinary injection color masterbatch
Used in general daily plastic products, industrial containers, etc.
3. Advanced blown film masterbatch
Used for blow molding coloring of ultra-thin products,荧光颜料荧光粉.
4. Ordinary blown film masterbatch
It is used for blow molding coloring of general packaging bags and woven bags.
深圳市丽盈塑化是全国塑料行业供应商之一,多年来致力于为食品包装,食品接触用塑料提供安全健康的环保型颜料,令您从容应对越来越严格的健康环保法规,并持续不断地推出适合各种塑料应用的新产品,帮助所有塑料客户创造鲜艳永恒的色彩,提高产品的附加值。我们更配合全球无铅化的、无卤的趁势已推出了无铅盐、无卤防火级别、符合REACH规格颜料,令您的产品无后顾之忧。同时,亦为电子电气用塑料提供一系列符合RoHS法规的安全环保颜料。为塑胶行业提供多款有机颜料、无机颜料、塑胶色母粒、油溶染料、荧光透明染料、荧光粉、珠光粉、长效夜光粉、金葱粉、金银粉、色精、色浆、塑料助剂等产品及代客配色、抽粒加工服务。塑料稳定性与保护方面的丰富经验,技术支持与雄厚的研发实力,铸就***的解决方案,高性能无机颜料、高透明系列有机颜料、可溶性染料、分散性特白,彩色母粒、PC及ABS**高光黑种、无载体黑种、在冲淡色时仍有优异的耐光性&耐候性颜料、极高的热稳定性&耐迁移性能颜料、可用于食品接触材料的颜料、无卤颜料、干涉珠光颜料、各类型金属及塑胶之颜色闪片、流纹色母及各种银种、功能母粒、镭射母粒、抗紫外光剂(UV粉)、抗氧剂、增亮剂、红外线摇控器**著色剂(符合日本标准)等产品帮助价值链中所有塑料制造商达到严格的标准要求! 丽盈塑化是一般纳税人企业,并且另外**成立进口颜料销售部门,主要代理销售颜料,染料,荧光粉、变色龙颜料系列,感温变色颜料系列,感光变色颜料系列,感香颜料系列,夜光颜料系列,防伪颜料系列,其他颜料系列,公司主打产品:变色龙颜料、Feti铝银浆、温变粉、光变粉、水变粉、夜光粉、珠光粉、反光粉、水性UV、UV涂料和各种特殊颜料、树脂、助剂等。公司至力于涂料、油墨、塑料、化妆品等领域的技术服务和高科产品推广,公司本着以技术立足行业,用品质创造未来,以服务赢得客户信任的原则,始终坚持以振兴民族产业为己任,不断创新,努力为经济和社会发展作出应有的贡献,为中国民族工业自立于世界之林作出应有贡献。
安徽色母粒**荧光颜料荧光粉***的选择, Food processing machinery
Kitchen appliances, etc.
Food contact materials include:
Plastic, resin
Rubber, silicone
Metal, alloy
Paper, cardboard
Glass, ceramic, enamel
Colorants, printing inks, etc.
Food contact materials and products may affect the odor, taste and color of the food during contact with food, and may release a certain amount of toxic chemical components such as heavy metals and toxic additives, which will migrate into the food. Ingested by the human body, endangering human health.
Domestic food contact materials related laws and regulations
Chinas current laws and regulations related to food contact materials are the Food Sanitation Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the Sanitary Management Measures for Plastic Products and Raw Materials for Food, and the Sanitary Management Measures for Raw Paper for Food Packaging. Measures for Sanitary Management of Ceramic Food Containers, Measures for Sanitary Management of Rubber Products for Foods, Measures for Sanitary Management of Aluminum Food Containers, Measures for Sanitary Management of Enamel Food Containers, and Sanitary Management Methods for Paint Coatings for Food Containers, The “Management Methods for Epoxy Phenolic Coatings on the Inner Wall of Food Cans” and the “Regulations on the Hygienic Management of Perchloroethylene Ethylene Coatings in Food Containers” are 9 departmental regulations.
Plastics are used in almost every aspect of our lives, from safety equipment to children's toys and household goods to sales packaging.
Liying plasticized fluorescent pigments are bold and unique in color, unique and memorable. The palette at your fingertips is almost limitless, and we can draw attention to your products so that your products are above noise.
We specialize in the development of pigments for polyolefins for injection molding, blow molding and rotational molding as well as engineering resins, plastisols and vinyl resins.
深圳市丽盈塑化萤光颜料荧光粉具有环保,***,气味低,污染小等 优点,